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Lithium iron phosphate battery pack RESIDENTIAL ENERGY Storage System component

Time:Feb 23, 2023 Views:668

1. Control system

Lithium iron phosphate battery energy storage system is controlled by programmable logic controller (PLC) and human -machine interface (HMI). One of the key functions of the PLC system is to control the charging time and rate of Residential Energy Storage System.

For example: PLC can receive the real time data of electricity prices, and determine how to quickly recharge the battery system according to the allowable maximum power demand, charging status, and price comparison at the peak/non -peak. This decision is dynamic and can be optimized according to specific conditions. Through standardized communication input, control signal and power supply, it is integrated with the rest of the system. It can be accessed by dialing or Internet. It has multiple defense layers to restrict access to different functions and provide customized reports and alarm functions for remote monitoring.

1. Power conversion system (PCS)

The function of the power conversion system is to charge and discharge the battery, and provide improved power supply quality, voltage support and frequency control to the local power grid. It has a complicated and fast -moving, multi -quadrant, dynamic controller (DSP), with a dedicated control algorithm, which can convert the output throughout the entire range, that is, the full power absorption from the full power to the full power output. It can work normally for any combination of powerless power and any power -free and non -power power.

3. Lithium iron phosphate battery pile

The electric heap is composed of several single batteries. The energy storage system of lithium iron phosphate battery packs can economically store and provide large -scale electricity according to demand. The main mode is a fixed way. It is a long -lived, less maintenance, and high efficiency technology, and supports the stepless expansion of power and energy storage capacity. Residential

Energy Storage System is particularly effective for renewable energy suppliers, power grid companies and end users.

Lithium iron phosphate battery Residential Energy Storage System can be applied to all aspects of the power supply value chain, which can convert intermittent renewable energy power such as wind energy and solar energy into stable power output; the most optimized solution for power supply in remote areas;



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