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Lithium battery development prospects

Time:Feb 03, 2023 Views:592

In order to develop a variety with better performance, people have studied various materials. To create unprecedented products. For example, lithium sulfur dioxide batteries and lithium sulfurllonl chlorine batteries are very distinctive. Their positive active substances are also solvents of electrolytes. This structure only appears in the electrochemical system of non -aquatic solution. Therefore, the research of lithium batteries has also promoted the development of electrochemical theory of non -water system. In addition to using various non -water solvents, people also conducted research on polymer film batteries.

Lithium batteries are widely used in energy storage power systems such as hydraulic, firepower, wind, and solar power stations, uninterrupted power supply for post and telecommunications, as well as electric tools, electric motorcycles, electric motorcycles, electric vehicles, military equipment, aerospace and other fields.

Lithium -ion batteries have been commonly used in portable electrical appliances such as portable electrical appliances such as portable computers, cameras, and mobile communication. The large -capacity lithium -ion batteries developed have been tried in electric vehicles. It is expected to become one of the main power power supply of electric vehicles in the 21st century, and will be applied to artificial satellites, aerospace and energy storage. With the shortage of energy and the pressure of the world's environmental protection. Lithium battery is widely used in the electric vehicle industry, especially the emergence of lithium iron phosphate material batteries, which has also promoted the development and application of the lithium battery industry.



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