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Lithium battery explosion type

Time:Feb 02, 2023 Views:647


The type of explosion type analysis of the battery core explosion can be summarized into three types: external short circuit, internal short circuit, and over -over. The outside refers to the outside of the cell, which contains short circuits caused by poor internal insulation design of the battery pack. When the cells have a short circuit outside and the electronic component fails to cut off the circuit, the inside of the cell will produce high heat, causing some electrolyte to vaporize, and the battery shell is large. When the internal temperature of the battery is as high as 135 degrees Celsius, the quality of the quality is closed, the electrochemical response is terminated or almost terminated, the current drops, and the temperature will slow down, thereby avoiding the explosion. However, the septum closure of the fine pores is too poor, or the septum paper that does not close the fine pores will continue to increase the battery temperature, and more electrolyte liquid is vaporized. Finally, the battery shell is broken. The material burns and explodes. The internal short circuit is mainly caused by the cutting diaphragm of the copper foil and aluminum foil, or the branches of the lithium atomic.

These small needle -shaped metals can cause micro -short circuits. Because the needle has a certain resistance value, the current may not be very large. Copper aluminum foil and burrs are caused by the production process. The phenomenon that can be observed is that the battery leakage is too fast, and most of them can be screened by the battery factories or assembly plants. Moreover, because the burrs are small and sometimes burned, the battery is returned to normal. Therefore, the chance of explosion caused by the slight short circuit of the burrs is not high. In this way, there are often bad batteries that are often low in the inside of each batterian factory, and the voltage is low, but there are rarely explosion events to get statistical support. Therefore, the explosion caused by short circuit inside is mainly caused by over -charging.

Because, after the overcoming film, the chip -shaped lithium metal crystals are everywhere, and the piercing points are everywhere, and there are short circuits everywhere. Therefore, the battery temperature will gradually rise, and finally the electrolyte gas will be used at high temperature. In this case, whether the temperature is too high, the material burns and explosions, or the shell is broken first, causing the air to enter the lithium metal fiercely oxidation, which is the explosion. However, the explosion caused by over -charging caused by short circuits did not necessarily happen in the charging at the time. It is possible that when the battery temperature is not enough to burn the material and generate the gas, it is not enough to break the battery shell, consumers terminate the charging and take the mobile phone out. At this time, the heat generated by many micro -short circuits slowly increased the battery temperature and exploded after a period of time. Consumers' common descriptions are that when they pick up their mobile phones, they find that the mobile phone is very hot, and they explode after throwing it away.

Based on the type of explosion above, we can focus on the three aspects of explosion -proof prevention, the prevention of external short -circuit, and the improvement of the safety of the battery cell. Among them, excessive prevention and external short -circuit prevention are electronic protection, which has a greater relationship with battery system design and battery assembly. The focus of the improvement of the battles is chemical and mechanical protection, which has a greater relationship with the battery core manufacturing plant.



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